I have seen the earth move.
I have watched it roll like the sea.
I know the earth can dance and jiggle
And also twist and rise up to meet the morning
Like a child jumping from sleep on her bed.
These are miracles.
Changes that stir both fear and awe.
And joy.
The rock and dirt we tread is alive
If we will look
And learn to dance with it
No longer just walking upon it
Like we have such important things to fix
And do
And prove.
Last week, the earth moved for me.
I lay in a crater blasted into me by divorce.
I could not see above the rim.
I could not scramble out but kept
Slipping back in and down.
But the earth shook among friends last week.
And the crater rose.
It rolled and danced and twisted
Even in the darkness of its center.
And there, where I could not see over the rim
I find myself among the clouds
Not safe or certain,
But on holy ground.
This is Sinai, now,
And the bush burns.
This is Tabor.
And the ground is not all that has transfigured.
This is Golgatha,
And the love that dies will rise.
This is Isaiah’s holy mount where the feast of fat things
Ends all
And begins.
I have seen the earth move.